Meetings and Events


Non-members are welcome to the Friday evening talks at Froyle Village Hall,GU34 4LG – £3 per talk or simply join for £10 on the door, refreshments provided.

Maggie turned from a fine arts background to a career in horticulture. She trained at Wisley and in 2018 she took on the formidable task of restoring the gardens at the famous Bramdean House to its original splendour…she loves simple, elegant, colourful, transportive gardens that bring people, plants and place together… this is a great story of transformation!

Will is a chartered physiotherapist, physiotherapy clinic owner of HT Physio in Farnham. Will graduated from Brunel University in 2015, achieving a distinction grade and the “Best Dissertation” award, before taking jobs in the NHS and professional football. He’s also a published author with his second book in 2020, Thriving Beyond Fifty, receiving accolades world-wide and he’ll bring along a few copies that you can purchase that evening. 

The schedule of classes and how to enter is now on the website. Beginners welcome!

You may have heard of John and June already as they have the National Collection of Hostas in their Hampshire garden, which has featured in Monty Don’s BBC TV programme. They’ll talk about the fascinating subject of why and how plants are perfumed. The types of scent found in plants. How we detect fragrance, how to create your own perfumed garden and how to make perfume products from your garden. Includes a demonstration of a wide variety of plant fragrances with very many small vials of essential oil for you to smell and identify.

The schedule of classes and how to enter will be on the website at Beginners welcome!

The first is to Bramdean House on Friday 7th June, 2.30 at Bramdean, Alresford SO24 0JU or meet at the Froyle Village Hall to leave at 2.00pm. Charge £10 per person which includes refreshments, an introductory talk from the garden owner or the head gardener and a self-guided tour of the garden. 

The second is to Nick Whines Garden, Froyle at 3.00pm Thursday 4th July 2024. After the visit you are welcome at Walbury for refreshments and a wander round if you would like. No charge.
Please park at the Village Hall.

Please let Geoff know in advance if you are going to this by email: or Sign up forms for garden visits will also be available at our May meeting.

The schedule of classes and how to enter will be on the website at Beginners welcome!

Lead volunteer with the Woodland Trust, Ben is a retired teacher who had a Damascene moment whilst walking in Alice Holt, since when he has taken every opportunity to tell people about the importance of trees to us. He combined being Tree Warden for Binsted and volunteering for the Woodland Trust with being Mayor of Alton. With that background!  the Q&A session at the end of the talk should prove really interesting!

David Standing was Head Gardener at Gilbert White Museum in Selborne and supervised restoration and development of the garden for 38 years. His talk explains the intriguing detective story of the development and planting of the famous eighteenth century naturalist’s garden. Gilbert White never left any maps or plans of his garden, but he did leave us over forty years of diary and journal notes, as well as letters and some watercolour pictures of his garden. Piecing all this together, and using archaeological and documentary evidence it is possible to build a picture of his extensive and intricate gardens and the many interesting flowers, trees and shrubs he planted in it.