Froyle Gardening Club Shows 2024

We welcome beginners to our shows. They are open to everyone and have minimal entry fees that we use to cover expenses (such as fees for judges, printing costs and hall hire). We have many staff members there on the day to offer assistance if you’re not sure about how to do something.

We hold three shows per year: Spring, Summer and Autumn and they are all held at Froyle Village Hall, GU34 4LG.

This year, the dates are as follows:

Spring – Saturday 13th April

Summer – Saturday 6th July (as part of the Froyle Fete)

Autumn – Saturday 14th September

Important Information for Show Entrants 

How to Enter:

  • Download the 2024 Show Schedules and Entry Forms  (these list out all the categories you can enter)
  • Entries must be received by noon on the Friday before the show. The Show Schedule document explains how to enter.

What to Expect On the Day of The Show:

If you haven’t entered anything into the Froyle Gardening Club Shows before, here are some tips and ideas of what to expect:

  • Pick or choose your entries the night before the show. 
  • Getting everything to the Village Hall and setup by 10.30am can be a challenge on the day so make sure to leave plenty of time!  The judging begins at 10.45am so everything must be in place well before then.
  • The tables in the village hall are laid out with sections corresponding to each competition category. Each section has cards; find the one with your name on it and arrange your entry on the plates/ in vases provided and turn your card over so your name is hidden.
  • For the flower categories, green plastic vases are provided as well as flower boxes for some classes. Pick a vase for your flowers and make sure you add water!. We leave newspaper ready which you can use to support your chosen blooms inside the vase. There will be plenty of people around to show you what to do. 
  • The Show opens to the public at 2.00pm and the prize giving is at 3pm (4pm for the Summer Show). After that everyone happily takes their rewards and exhibits home.     

Rules and Additional Guidance:

  1. Classes open to all gardeners including those who have part-time paid help with their garden.
  2. Exhibit fees for adults: 25p per class (to cover our show expenses), no entry fees for children. 
  3. Only one entry per person per class.
  4. Items in all horticultural classes must have been grown by the exhibitor for at least 3 months. 
  5. Where points are awarded the following scoring is used: (1st = 5 points, 2nd = 3 points, 3rd = 1 point.)
  6. The judges’ decisions are final. Judging is in accordance with the Rules of the RHS & NAFAS. 
  7. All root vegetables must be washed but not trimmed except where stated.
  8. Please use containers where provided for classes where stated.
  9. Please do not remove Exhibits until after prize giving