October From the Potting Shed 2024

October From the Potting Shed 2024

October From the Potting Shed 2024

Gardening is not always about what is in the garden now, it’s also about what we would like to see next year or even the year after. To this end bulbs can be planted either in containers or borders for displays next year.

Hardy annuals can also be sown at this time of the year such as Sweet Peas, Ammi majus (Bishop’s Weed), Cornflowers, pot marigolds, love in a mist and honesty. In the vegetable garden we can be ready to sow broad beans and plant onion sets for cropping next spring. If you want something long term then prepare areas to plant asparagus (this takes 3 years before cropping) you can also lift and divide rhubarb to give you a good supply for the next few years.
In the border you need to leave stems and seed heads for insects and birds to feed on during the winter. Hollow stems are great for insects to over winter in safely away from predators. Early summer flowering plants can be divided up at this time of the year. The late flowering herbaceous plants can be done in the spring.
Don’t forget to put all your trimmings and weeds into the compost heap. Chop all these up together to generate plenty of heat and this will then give you lovely compost which you can then apply to the garden. Any leaves that fall on the lawn can be raked up or better still hoovered up using a rotary mower set a little higher. This mix of leaves and grass makes for a great leaf mould which breaks down much quicker.
Seed catalogues are going to be popping through the letter box, so have a good browse through and see what you would like to try next year.
