February 2025 From the Potting Shed

February 2025 From the Potting Shed

February 2025 From the Potting Shed

Hooray, we have had some frost and snow. Always good for killing off all those bugs. Well, it also kills off the good bugs as well so that is why we should have homes for wildlife in our gardens. A safe place for ladybirds, lacewings, hoverflies, butterflies (yes I have seen my first red admiral) and wild bees to keep warm over the winter. They will then be ready to come out and predate any pests that might attack our treasured plants.

In the veg department we have leeks, parsnips along with brassicas still available to pick. But we must get going for the following season by sowing broad beans, peas, getting onion sets and garlic started to plant out when a little drier. If you have space in the greenhouse why not get some early potatoes going in pots. These could be ready by April/May.

As soon as you can safely tread on the garden get out and apply mulch to the moist soil so that it retains the moisture for the rest of the season. Improving the soil structure by the addition of compost etc will also allow the soil to drain better. Organic matter holds the soil structure together allowing water to be retained and also creates pathways for the rain water to penetrate deeper into the soil and not just run off the surface and erode the soil surface. Worms also enjoy the organic matter.

Snowdrops are just starting to show colour. Always a lovely site when fully out. Do not forget planting the snowdrops in the green is one of the best ways of enlarging your collection. Just plant clumps of 3 or 4 bulbs spaced around 4 in. apart and your display will be even better in a couple of years.

Geoff Hawkins